Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bell bottom blues

Recently my all encompassing obsession has been the Cord killers from One teaspoon and since its pre-Christmas strict budget phase I am comforting myself by giving all my other wide-legged babies an outing. For me the boot-cut phase never really went away and although I love my skinny jeans there is a special place in my heart for bell-bottoms and that love will never falter. Trends come and go but flares are forever. Worn here with my all saints tie dye sweater, a 70s tooled leather beauty and the usual array of silver yumminess. Another simple outfit for a day of errand running, Thai food hogging and tree stomping. Life's good when there are trees to climb (in my case its more the boy just lift me and put me on the branch) possums and bats to look at and a new episode of my favourite sit-com to watch. Have a wonderful week all!

Flared jeans: FCUK, Jumper: All saints, Jewellery: Gifted+India, Tooled leather bag: Vintage, Bondi markets


  1. Aaaaawweeesooomeee! Yeah skinny jeans are great, but bell bottoms have been my favorite. Great bag too, and sweater, and BRACELETS ARE SO COOL! Which is your favorite sitcom?

  2. i love flared pants!i don't know why but currently i have no bell bottomed jeans in my closet..i love your bag *wink wink*
    the sweater is perfecta and i am crazy about your neck piece!
    and what sitcom would this be?


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