Monday, November 12, 2012

Market day kitty love

My markets jaunts every weekend not only lead to accumulating a treasure trove of one of a kind stuff but it almost always also leads to coming across the most interesting, inspirational objects and animals. This Saturday was no exception, we stumbled upon a house completely covered in sweet smelling vine with tiny white flowers and as I was ooh-ing, aah-ing and exclaiming that this was the house of my dreams a kitty person walked out wanted to be cuddled. I mean seriously not only does someone have the most beautiful secret garden-esque cottage they also have this fur-ball to squeeze when they want! I spend many glorious minutes petting this cutie and admiring the house till we had to finally walk away. Why why why?

Anyway this is what I was wearing because it was kinda chilly, I wanted to be comfy and I rarely put too much thought into what I am wearing on market day because I just want to go have fun. Not like there is an elaborate thought process on other days, gaah I should just accept I am a lazy person who likes many layers to stay warm and piles loads of junk jewellery. I am still incredibly in love with this suede beauty of a bag and haven't been able to wear anything else.

Jewellery: India/ various Sydney markets, Boots and cardigan: Thrifted


  1. Wow, gorgeous, the kitty I mean....Nah, who am I kidding you look fantastic :-D And those shoes left me speacheless!!!!

  2. I love your photos!


  3. aww you're so cute! yeah i've been pretty busy with school so i didn't post anything for some time. i really hate school, haha.
    this outfit's so lovely, you look great as always! i'm so in love with the boots! xx


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