Wednesday, December 26, 2012

An ode to Sydney's Northern Beaches

Golden sand, surrounded by native bushland, national parks, lagoons, peaceful waterways, cascading water falls and about eighteen beaches on a stretch of approximately thirty kilometers, known as the beautiful coastal suburbs of Sydney's magnificent Northern beaches. We spent Boxing day away from the year end sales stampedes and walking along the coast in the bushlands of Whale Beach, Palm beach, Barrenjoe lighthouse, Oxford falls, eating at little local cafes, collecting succulents, playing in the sand, getting splashed by the waves and let me tell you it beats trying to find your size in a pair of jeans that the latest fashion magazine deems a must-have!

Northern Beaches is also home to brands like One teaspoon, Ksubi etc and I love the cheerful, laid back vibe and the true local Aussie charm of the people there. Everyone we met was a treat and the dogs were out of this world. And to make matters more fun personal style wise I was wearing one of my treasured Chrissy gifts, the One teaspoon flared Ziggy's that have become my second skin since I got them. They are the perfect super flares and as I walked they collected heaps of sand and plenty of sea weed which made me love them even more. I wore them with a soft, worn to pieces white tee, vintage plaid shirt, a cloth bag from India, heaps of silver and jumped around amidst stunning natural beauty to my heart's content. Trust me the pictures do no justice to the landscape as well the Ziggy's you really have to be face to face to truly appreciate them.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and your year end plans are gearing up to be truly special. Have a great day!

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