Saturday, January 19, 2013

You could be mine

Vintage leather back-pack, Oxfords: Wittner, Silver: India+Sydney markets

These pictures were taken while walking about in Surry Hills today before getting a bite to eat and our wandering led us to a garage sale with two perfect pairs of Docs, a beautiful blue one and a rad metallic one, in my size. But sadly due to certain events I don't have much money to spare and had to walk away without them but now I can't stop incorporating them in outfit plans. Sigh! Hence the title of the post...Lately with the heat wave Sydney is facing, I've discovered its too hot for denim shorts and all my cotton flouncy skirts have come out to play. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend without extreme temperatures.


  1. I don't know which is worse, cold wave or heat wave -_- Sucks!
    Girl, you have the coolest outfits with the coolest colors ^_^
    And that chain, fancy!!!


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