Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peace, love and mirror work

Here's me finally featuring my first 'mirror-work on vintage denim' shorts that I have been wearing quite consistently. Its been sometime since I've created something and this evening I got all angsty and sad, it took some time till I realised I have not created anything and that is making me cranky. Does that happen to anyone else? I need to do more than work, come home, eat and sleep to nourish my being. I still haven't started on my tie-dye Ganesh/ Hindu Goddess tee-shirt, also I am dying to learn to sew, knit and crochet but don't know who to ask and where to begin. So all in all I am pretty starved of creative fulfillment.

But instead of ranting about it, I've decided to stalk inspiring tumblrs in a bit to energize myself and get the creative juices flowing. Do you have any ideas for me? Back to outfit talk, this is my usual attire when the weather can't decide if it wants to be summer or pre-autumn and I love this plaid beauty to death. Another thing I love is the Bowie tank I've worn here, its perfect, its soft and it has David Bowie on it, what more could I want? As you can tell, I am one to repeat my items of clothing again and again, you've seen the Bowie tank here and the plaid shirt here. Hope you're having a wonderful mid-week and are preparing to spoil your loved ones today. I am going to be dancing for womens' rights and can't think of a better way to celebrate love. Sending out good vibes to the universe.

Vintage Levi's plaid and DIY shorts, Vintage leather bucket bag


  1. I love the embroidered paisley on the denim shorts, it's brilliant and fabulous. You look set for a British music festival, a cool rock chick.
    I know exactly what you mean, I need to get my creative mojo on but just aren't feeling it, drives me mad.
    So impressed you're dancing for womens' rights. Good on you, sister. xxx

  2. I have a page I photocopied somewhere on how to do this, I think it's called "shasta" mirror embroidery? I've always loved it.
    I get frantic about the time to create, or more to the point, sew. It's quite tricky sometimes trying to fit it in. I aim to do at least 1/2 hour a day, but that often falls by the wayside. It's really important to the psyche to create, I reckon!
    The shorts look gorgeous, I love how you've done paisleys! (The BEST pattern in the world!)

  3. It's good that you're feeling cranky when doing nothing. That means your creative side is trying to burst out and explore new things, which is always good :D
    Awesome top!!! And shirt, and shorts, and boots!


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