Thursday, July 18, 2013

Creature of habit

For all my rants against the world becoming a blur of grey and black in winter, I am not much better. This winter I'd decided to dress creatively while trying to stay warm but from the following photos one can tell that I have failed. Lately my uniform du jour has become a bright jersey skirt, sweater/ shirt, an over-size cardigan or coat and my converse. Hmm going to have to change that.

I tried not to just wear pants and this happened, I think I am more of a creature of habit than I'd like to admit. To be honest I've had my decent moments of wearing bright yellow leggings etc to work but ofcourse I haven't documented the fun outfits. Time to up the ante blog photos wise.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Thank you so much for your comments on my last post. I think I am going to include more travel posts on this blog from now on. Happy Thursday all!


  1. That brocade coat is gorgeous. You are such a cool dresser I can't ever see you slipping into a style rut.

  2. It's so weird to see you all cuddled in those fluffy cardigans, while I sweat under the Sun in here :D Weird!

    Loving all the outfits, you layer perfectly and make up amazing and interesting looks, I actually adore your winter outfits :) They're very creative!

  3. You've got your own inimitable style that doesn't need changing at all. Don't beat yourself up about it, just enjoy wearing those converse boots and showing off your great legs!

  4. Oooooooh look at your beautiful coat!! You always look glorious sweetie and don't forget you've been so poorly this winter, most people would pile on the trackie daks and be done when they're feeling shite! Big hugs xoxoxo

  5. I believe u r the most beautiful girl in the world .most stylish n brilliantly put together with an assortment of one offs .each blog feels me with inspiration n love fr this wonderful country of ours .

  6. that patterned, brocade coat is amazing. lovelovelove! also like the red skirt/black tights outfit. It's hard to wear a lot of colour in the winter, when the weather is dreary it seems a lot easier to just wear black and grey!


    Win a pair of Manitobah Moccasins!

  7. Wow! Love that coat and your jewels! I found your blog through Vintage Vixen. Love the outfits and the pics of the mountains and beaches!!!


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