Monday, December 9, 2013

Holiday happiness

Sometimes its too hot to wear anything other than an embroidered, wispy dress with fun jewelery. Holiday saving and planning has kept me on my toes the last few weeks and I want nothing more than to put my feet up and relax figuratively while I am actually tearing at my pressies.

I think I am all packed for the bitterly cold northern winter, excited to be on the other side of the world and explore new cities. Hope the pre-holiday period is treating you well. Happy almost Holidays all!


  1. I love that dress!! And the green foliage in the background is a feast for the eyes, especially since everything here is cold and icy white, no hint if green here in Canada! Have a good day, eh?

  2. I wish it was too hot to wear anything more than a wispy dress, I'm shivering here! You have such gorgeous legs! xxx

  3. Legs. To. Die. For. It's lovely to see you looking all summery and basking in the sun! You're going way north for a chilly winter? Oooooooh that's so exciting! Can I ask where you're off to for adventures? xoxo

  4. Can't wait to see photos from your trip ^_^
    Adore this feminine dress on you!

  5. Lovely blog!!
    Can we follow each other via gfc g+ and bloglovin?

  6. Gorgeous dress, gorgeous legs, gorgeous sunshine! You're the epitome of holiday beauty here.

  7. i love that dress and wish for your warm weather!


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