Friday, March 14, 2014

Sack dresses and dog walks

Yes, I've turned into one of those people who just flood their social media posts and feeds with pictures of dogs and cats..I don't even have a pet yet; now imagine when I do how much worse this habit is going to get. Eeps!

Yes there are a couple of pictures of me wearing a flowy cotton sack with the boots I am obsessed with and a bright woven bag, I mean there is only so much thought given to outfit choices when a bundle of madness is jumping at one's toes wanting to go outdoors?

Have a wonderful weekend people.


  1. Everything about this--dress, hair, necklace, boots, cute dog--is perfect.

  2. Your legs and hair are stunning, don't even get me started on that dress! I've never had a dog, I like them but I'm a cat person! xxx

  3. PUPPIES! Awesome post. I love that dress!


  4. And why not, they're gorgeous critters!!! You're not so bad yourself, you look gorgeous in white!
    Helgastock is in Melbourne this year, darling.......XXX

  5. The pooches are adorable, true, but you look loveliest of all: totally stunning in that dress showing off your amazing legs!


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