Thursday, March 27, 2014

Water falls and hikes

Spend a wonderful weekend at the mountains, chasing water falls and climbing rock faces and had the best time camping. Sometimes wonderful memories are made away from civilization and feeling free, uninhibited but awed by the sheer beauty that surrounds us.

Warning: Its a picture heavy post but what can I say, waterfalls are my favourites.

Ofcourse camping calls for tried and tested comfortable clothes like these ying yang shorts, soft tee shirt and a wool cardie with my trusted Palladiums.


  1. Gorgeous! I just moved to Asheville and hiking to all the nearby waterfalls is on my spring to-do list!

  2. I'm a huge waterfall fan, too - these are magical and so are you in the coolest hiking outfit ever!
    Sorry for my dim mistake - I knew that really and I'm also a massive fan of Tagore, I even chose one of his poems for my Mum's funeral.
    Yes - we might have a date, a trip to Tamil Nadu is long overdue! xxx

  3. Honestly, I wish I could live away from civilizations. My dream is to have someday a huge garden and a barn with animals, to be self sustained and to be away from people! I hope we have a wifi though, can't live without my computer O_O

    Oh man, I love your shorts and tee, you rock this looky!

  4. I had a weekend of chasing waterfalls too!
    Gorgeous photos, that looks like an awesome place.


  5. i love waterfalls too! but for whatever reason whenever it came to hiking i would always stay behind with my mother and sister as my dad went ahead. i don't even know if i can physically do it. i love everything you are wearing. highway dekhle eventually?

  6. camping does call for comfort, I live in cut-offs and sweats when out in the bush! Your pictures make me wish summer was here... why must winter be so long in Canada?!


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