Denim short-alls+woven bag+boots+tee-shirt: Vintage, Jewellery: Sydney markets+India
Two night outs in a row has a resulted in a very lazy me, who couldn't be bothered doing anything complicated today. Wore my new (to me) cut-off denim over-alls to get a milk-shake and walk around the neighbourhood till I got tired of being blown about by the wind. All I can think about for today is to relax, maybe watch a movie, eat ice-cream and be lazy in preparation for the hectic-ness that tomorrow will bring. Have a happy Sunday world!
What a cool outfit! Love the SP tee shirt and the dungarees are fantastic. xxx
As always- pure bad assery!!!! :P~
Hi! I'm your newest follower =]
I love your blogging and photogaphy style, so natural and beautiful.
That's got to be one of the BEST band t's ever...I love band t's, but always feel like a twit in them due to the large lumps on my frontage. Too much emphasis! You look HOT! I never think of a t and dungarees as sexy, but somehow you have made them SO hot!!!!
Out two nights in a row?! Oo lala!
Took me a week to get over it the last time I did that!!! Poor old me.HA!
I really, really LOVE that necklace combo........DROOL! XXX
omg that sounds like a perfect day, milkshake and ice cream?!?! yauuuuum. this outfit is rly good!!!! ayayayyyy!
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