Dress: Anokhi, Bag and Beanie: Sportsgirl, Boots: India
I have had a rough couple of days and have been dealing with some yucky personal stuff lately and that had made me crawl into a hole and avoid doing much here but then one of my blogger buddies (Hey Debi!)spoke to me all night and that helped me gain a little perspective and I decided I miss my little band of fabulous feminist ladies too much to mope around for long. Therefore here I am...
My love for ethnic blockprint fabric is well documented here as is my unwavering devotion to this brand called Anokhi which supports local crafts people in Jaipur, India therefore I shall not bore you with more odes to this fabric. Instead let me tell you the story of this particular Anokhi dress; made out of thick linen fabric it used to be a maxi which looked completely ridiculous on me, so I hacked it and let the ends fray. I intend on patchworking one of my army bags with the leftover fabric and I love the shapeless-ness plus floaty sleeves of this dress which make me feel like I have wings. All in all a win-win situation, where I have a dress I love which is perfect for fall weather, I can wear a tonne of layers under the dress and it is something that no one else has and fabric from it will help me personalize my army bag. So much happiness from one little dress!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter holiday and feasting on goodies, I am off to do some work and then take it easy. Happy Sunday world!